Oferty pracyIFRAKontakt

Wyślij CV

For our client, an international company specializing in the production of meat, we are looking for:


with good career prospects

Location: Szczecin


The job holder is directly subordinate to the management in a staff function. In cooperation with the divisional managers, he is responsible for the 500-employees involved in slaughtering, dissection, customer-specific packaging and labeling of the products. He ensures the smooth and trouble-free operation of the production area


Main functions of the newly created staff function are:

  • Planning, initiating and monitoring all measures that promote the efficiency of available manpower and machine capacities and ensure the fulfillment of customer orders in timing, quantity and quality
  • Fast and flexible response to changes in product range due to variation in raw materials or demand, while taking into account economic aspects
  • Far-sighted and pragmatic development of existing technical processes with regard to productivity, economic efficiency and functionality of the plants
  • Participation in the planning and realization of investment projects as well as employee selection
  • Responsibility for implementation of work safety, quality and environmental management measures
  • Identification and realization of potential for improvement


Technician or master craftsman in the food industry, degree in the food industry or a commercial background with a strong technical and production orientation


A suitable candidate has at least 5 years (leadership) experience in a food production business and special affinity for the optimization of technical processes. Identification/experience with the Polish mentality would be desirable


  • Good knowledge of food processing technologies and hygiene standards in the food industry, as well as process-oriented understanding
  • Business management knowledge
  • Application experience in modern management and problem-solving methods
  • Good experience with electronic data processing and good knowledge of ERP systems and Microsoft standard programs
  • Confident and successful handling of personnel issues and cooperation with the works council


  • The candidate should feel comfortable in the German and Polish cultures and have a good command of both languages - one as a native language
  • Commitment, dedication and motivation as well as resilience
  • Entrepreneurial thinking and action
  • High quality and cost awareness
  • Persuasiveness as well as goal-oriented, structured and team-oriented working methods
  • Determination, assertiveness and achievement orientation
  • Leadership and social skills as well as communication skills (in German and Polish Language) at all levels


Zachęcamy do aplikowania na adres: maksymilianmisiura@recfood.pl

W CV prosimy zawrzeć poniższą klauzulę:

Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Recfood Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie, przy ulicy Leszno 8/1, 01 – 192 Warszawa, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców przez Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000436868, NIP 5272685428, REGON 14635959300000, kapitał zakładowy 5000 zł, moich danych osobowych tj. imię i nazwisko, data urodzenia, adres zamieszkania, adres e-mail, telefon kontaktowy, informacje o uzyskanym wykształceniu, dane o przebiegu zatrudnienia, dla celów przeprowadzenia procesów rekrutacji i powierzenia moich danych osobowych potencjalnemu pracodawcy.

Zapoznałem(-am) się z treścią klauzuli informacyjnej znajdującej się poda adresem: 

http://recfood.pl/pl/o-firmie/obowiazek-informacyjny/16/1, w tym z informacją o szczegółowych celach i sposobach przetwarzania moich danych osobowych oraz prawie dostępu do treści swoich danych i prawie ich poprawiania.